
Whoever you are – a creative writer or the manager of business writers or the concerned parent of a student – I can help you with the writing problems you’re facing.

Welcome to my site. You probably landed here because you’re having writing trouble or someone you want to help is struggling with writing. Everybody has a hard time, at least once in a while, with some aspect of translating ideas into writing. Words do have power, but it can be tricky to harness. You’re smart to look for help.

Learn about my approach and policies.

Working with a coach on your writing blocks and untangling them is a profound act. When you gain a sense of mastery in the realm of writing, there are ripple effects: Your confidence builds. You communicate more clearly, not only with others but also with yourself. You grow more fully into who you really are. We humans use language to shape and share our ideas, so these benefits come to everybody who works on their writing, from the paralegal who needs to recognize and correct run-on sentences in his emails to the poet who’s trying to hone her feel for line breaks.

© 2014 Lisa Freedman